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Carol Service

Ballynahinch Congregational

The congregation and visiting friends met in the Church Sanctuary on Sunday afternoon 22nd December at 3.00pm for a very enjoyable afternoon of Christmas music, carols and readings.

Taking part were The Church Choir who sang 3 pieces, Keep Christ in Christmas, Christ is Born and Heaven Rejoices, Sweet Chiming Bells. The ladies group sang Merry Christmas Bells are ringing, and the Men’s group sang Sweet Chiming Christmas Bells. 

Mrs Emily Douglas, Mrs Elsie Crothers and Mr Jim Murray provided the musical accompaniment.

Christmas Scripture readings were read by Mrs Joyce Bell, Adam Broome, Emily Smith and Mrs Linda Vance. 

Our Minister, Rev. Victor Neill, concluded the service by asking the question. “What is Christmas really all about?"

At this season of the year, it is easy with all the Christmas glitter and glamour and with the very strong commercial attempts to persuade us of the need to buy, buy, buy! that we can forget the real meaning of the season. An e-mail sent to a T. V. News Channel ‘Christmas is what you want it to be!’ this statement gives little thought for the One whom the Christmas season is named after. I want to briefly focus our thoughts on what Christmas should really be all about! The text ‘Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.’ (1st Tim 1v15) – brings into sharp focus on Whom and what we should celebrate at Christmas.

Christ Jesus’ THE UNIQUE PERSON, matchless and unparalleled - on whom the Christmas story should focus. No other person comes close in comparison to Christ Jesus – for He was uniquely both ‘God and man!’ All others who have founded world religions were sinful men who needed a Saviour. Their rituals neither save nor satisfy!!! The name ‘Christ Jesus’ joins together His Divinity and Humanity, ‘Christ’- means ‘anointed one’ – the Messiah and refers to His authority, His Kingship for He is ‘King of Kings and Lord of Lords.’ (Rev 19 v 6) and one day every knee will bow to Him!  ‘Jesus is His human name and means ‘Saviour’ - ‘deliverer, rescuer ‘from sin. He chose to be born (none other has ever chosen to be born!). He was conceived by the Holy Spirit in the womb of Mary and was born a real but perfect human Being. He came into the world at Bethlehem – as a baby and lived a perfect life and although He ‘was in all points tempted as we are yet without sin’ (Heb. 4 v 15). He was a real and perfect man. He never ceased to be God for He was as the Bible puts it ‘God manifest (made visible) in the flesh ‘(1st Tim. 3 v 16). Indeed some of our Carols capture the amazing truth ‘Who is He in yonder stall, at whose feet the Shepherds fall? ‘Tis the Lord, O wondrous story, ’Tis the Lord the King of Glory. At His feet we humbly fall. Crown Him, Crown Him Lord of all.’  ‘Lo within a manger lies, He who built the starry skies’’

This truly Unique Person ‘came into the world’ at that first Christmas which was….

AN UNWELCOMING PLACE.  There was little in the way of welcome (apart from the Angelic host), not even a place for Mary and Joseph in the Inn at Bethlehem just prior to the birth of Christ Jesus, so it is today even at Christmas! ‘No room for Jesus!!!, A hymn puts it this way ‘have you any room for Jesus? And then goes on ‘Room for pleasure, room for business, but for Christ the crucified. Not a place that He can enter, in your heart for which He died’ Yet despite the lack of a welcome, that did not deter Christ in any way from accomplishing ….

His UNSWERVING PURPOSE, Christ Jesus came into the world TO SAVE SINNERS’. He bore the penalty for their sin. The Apostle Paul sums it up with a simple but profound statement, ‘Christ died for our sins.’ We know that on the third day He rose, proving He had conquered sin and death and was whom He claimed to be, the Son of God – God manifest - made visible in the flesh. Despite the lack of welcome and people’s indifference to the Gospel, amazingly that does not deter our loving God and Saviour, for we read ‘He is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance’ (2 Pet 3 v 9) and He still calls us to come to Him. He still says, ‘Behold I stand at the door and knock (and the door He is speaking of is the door of the heart) If anyone hears My voice and opens the door I will come in ‘(Rev 3 v 20). Have you heard His voice speaking into your innermost being? Will you open your heart and life to the Saviour – who will do so much more for you than ever you thought possible ‘a full and free forgiveness whatever the sin, not just a new start in life, but a new life to start with! Let this Christmas be your most memorable ever by taking the Saviour at His word, open the door of your heart and invite the Christ of Christmas into your life. I can assure you that you will never regret doing so, indeed you will look back and say it was the best thing that ever you did!

Following the service the congregation enjoyed a time of fellowship in the Church Hall. Thanks to the Ladies who provided seasonal refreshments and chocolate treats.



© 2021 Ballynahinch Congregational Church.  Ballynahinch Congregational Church is registered with the Charity Commission of Northern Ireland NIC 100648 

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