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Harvest Services Sunday 27th October 2024

Ballynahinch Congregational

The memorial hall was tastefully decorated, and the Church Choir sang two anthems at each service.

Both Services were very well attended, and our special speaker was Mr Trevor Matthews.

Reading from Matthew Cp 13 verses 24 -30 Trevor spoke on the parable of the wheat and the tares.

It was good seed that was sown but the enemy came in and sowed the tares. When the workers saw the tares growing, they accused the husband man of buying bad seed.   However, he told them that an enemy had done this.  The servants wanted to weed them out, but the husband man ordered that they both be left to grow up together.

If you go in and seek to pull out the tares you will trample down and uproot the good stalks also. Let both grow together until harvest then the tares will be gathered, bound together and burned but the wheat will be gathered into the barn.

Trevor explained simply that the tares were not just ordinary weeds, but they looked like the growing wheat, and it was not until the ears appeared that they were distinguished as tares.

The root system had twined around the roots of the wheat stinting the wheat growth.

The enemy who sowed the tares represents Satan and as Christians we must be on our guard. 

The tares represent those who look and act like Christians but are not really born again.

How sad that on the judgement day so many will hear those words. “Depart from me I never knew you.”


Harvest evening service

Trevor read from St John chapter 12 verses 20 -36 taking as his text verse 24 “Verily, verily, I say unto you. Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.” The theme of his message was “Dying to Live” In his opening remarks Trevor reminded us from scripture that the Jewish leaders had often tried to take and kill Jesus, but without success. His hour had not yet come.

In verse 23 Jesus now announces that “The hour is come” and in verse 24 He proclaims his death “Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abides alone”.

His purpose to die is a principle of Harvest.

Verse 27 “but for this cause came I unto this hour.” 

Example:  A seed potato must give of itself to reproduce a crop of potatoes. Self-centeredness gives way to self-surrender.

The principal of Eternal Life comes from the death of The Lord Jesus Christ, who is the source of all spiritual life. No one else can offer eternal life but Jesus.

A Poverty expressed. In verse 25 we are reminded that we can do nothing of ourselves. It is the grace of God that brings salvation.

Producing fruit

When the seed is planted it must die, but in so doing it produces much fruit. Jesus said “Herein is my Father glorified that ye bear much fruit” As Christians we must prune away the nonsense of the past and through self-surrender we can bear fruit, much fruit, more fruit. John Cp 15 verse 16.

After the morning service the congregation stayed for a delicious soup and dessert lunch. This was served by our ladies and thoroughly enjoyed by all.

After the lunch a short service led by Rev. Victor Neill was held in the sanctuary to dedicate three new P.V.C. window frames and refurbished stained glass windows in memory of the late George Gillespie of Drumaness.



© 2021 Ballynahinch Congregational Church.  Ballynahinch Congregational Church is registered with the Charity Commission of Northern Ireland NIC 100648 

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