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Naomi Dudgeon visits Missionary Meeting

Ballynahinch Congregational

We welcomed Naomi Dudgeon to our December Missionary Meeting. She gave us a very thought provoking insight into the lives of some of the people she works amongst in the City of Belfast.

Naomi seeks to befriend individuals and families who find life to be difficult in the extreme. Some are living in abusive relationships, others have alcohol or drug related problems and many are single parents. Some are driven to such extremes that they feel suicide is their only escape.

Naomi reaches out a hand of friendship and practical help. She also seeks to direct people to consider asking the Lord to help them through their difficulties by holding Bible study sessions in their homes, gently introducing the Gospel message.

Naomi said something very profound regarding many people whose lives are dominated by evil. “They are like a game of Snakes and Ladders, but without rules. People say throw a dice and see what comes up”. They are often climbing a ladder that is propped up against a false wall or heading down a snake to a very low place.

However for all people there is a message from God’s word The Bible. Genesis Ch.4 V 29 “Then began man to call upon the name of the Lord”. Things had gone horribly wrong for mankind, Adam and Eve had been driven out of the Garden of Eden, sin had ravaged the family and Cain had murdered his brother Abel. People only begin to see their need when they are in trouble, and the Christian Church is living in a bubble failing to see the need all around it. The Church needs to be awakened. 2 Chronicles Ch.7 V 14 “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways: then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land”.

There is a great need for humility and healing. The answer to our need can be found when like Isaiah we see a vision of the Lord, Isaiah Ch.6 V 1-13 and then take the message to the people just like Jonah did Jonah Ch.3 V 3-5. When Jonah arose and delivered God’s message the people repented.



© 2021 Ballynahinch Congregational Church.  Ballynahinch Congregational Church is registered with the Charity Commission of Northern Ireland NIC 100648 

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